Company News

Boosting your local strategy is a Snap as SweetIQ becomes a Snapchat Partner

We are excited to announce SweetIQ is a Snapchat Partner! Our clients can now launch Snapchat Campaigns to all (or any) of their locations by using brand-specific Geofilters, to connect with consumers using the app near targeted locations.

SweetIQ becomes Snapchat Partner

With 10+ billion daily views and 150+ million daily active Snapchatters, the power of Snapchat for brands is more evident than ever. With that in mind, the company is boosting their advertising model for brands, allowing them to target a younger demographic as well as growing an overall user base. 60%+ of U.S. 13-34-year-old smartphone users are Snapchatters representing over 80% of their user base in the US alone. This means access not only Millennials, but also Generation Z  who, according to a study conducted by IBM and the NRF, have a purchasing power of $44 billion, and prefer brick and mortar to online shopping. JACKPOT!

Download our guide to learn how use Snapchat Geofilter to increase in-store traffic

With this new API integration, SweetIQ clients can now launch Snapchat Geofilter Campaigns directly from the SweetIQ Hub, giving them access to key digital audiences and to nurture an ever-growing user base of ready-to-buy consumers.

Launching Snapchat campaigns through the SweetIQ Hub allows you to establish a Geofence around your locations. Then you can choose the perfect time to maximize reach: during peak hours, while running specific promotions, or during special events. Consumers can enhance their own photos with your branded filter, creating cool user-generated content that Millennials and Generation Z’s can share with their network – and grow your reach to potential customers.

Leverage the SweetIQ Hub to run A/B tests to see which audience responds better to your Geofilters. East coast users may prefer a different message or visual than West coast Snapchatters, or maybe your Snapchat campaign works best in the city than in the suburbs? Consolidate the data coming from your listings, reviews, and Snapchat campaigns to create smarter and stronger local marketing strategies. All this to drive the ready-to-buy online crowd to your storefront.

Within the SweetIQ Hub, you can:

● Select your target locations
● Define a radius around them to create your geofence.
● Upload a compelling Geofilter
● Select target dates and times.
● Launch your Snap Geofilter Campaign.
● Measure the success of your campaign with key analytics

Catering to online audiences with relevant, compelling and shareable content, that Millennials and Generation Z’s can relate to, is key to keep a healthy flow of customers to all your locations. Not only now, but in the future.

For ideas on how to use this solution to boost your foot traffic (and your cool factor!), check out our blog post “A Quick Guide to Snapchat Guide for Retailers” and try launching your first campaign.

Happy Snapping!

Read the full press release here.


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